
A contest/ You can be a judge!

This looks like such a fun contest!!
Read Gelina’s post to learn more about joining! ⬇

Day in and out with Gelina

Hey ladies, gentlemen, teens, tweens, animals, robots and aliens! XD I haven’t done a contest in a VERY long time so I decided to do one! Introducing the


Animal Photography Contest!

It is what it sounds like! Just take a few pictures of an animal or a picture with an animal in it and you are qualified! Here are the rules:

  1. Reblog this post on your blog, saying that you are joining this contest.
  2. You are allowed to submit upto 5 pictures.
  3. Make sure the pictures are following the theme.
  4. The picture or pictures has to be taken be you and you only.
  5. If possible, please don’t edit the picture/pictures
  6. Make sure to submit you picture/pictures before the deadline: 27 February.
  7. The results will come out on 28 February if possible.

To submit your entry, you can fill out this form. Try this link if that one doesn’t…

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