Awards & Tags

The Remarkable Blogger Tag

Hellooooooo! I’m back after a month with another tag post! Bea nominated me for this tag, (thank you!! 😊) which was made by Selina.

©Selina, 2022


  • Add the featured image 
  • Tag your post with #the remarkable blogger tag
  • Pingback to original post 
  • Mention the creator 
  • Share something unique about you 
  • Answer the nine questions the person who nominated you has asked 
  • Ask 9 nine questions for your nominees 
  • Nominate 10 – 15 people 
  • Have fun! 

Something Unique About Me:

I don’t like macaroni and cheese.

Bea’s Questions:

1. What is the most beautiful thing you have every seen?
It’s hard to choose, I’ve seen lots of beautiful things………………… If I had to pick I’d say…………… the ocean probably. 🌊

2. Do you have fireflies where you live?
Sadly, no.

3. What is your favorite color combo?
Orange and lighter orange or black. I have a skirt that is a mix of orange, light orange and black, it looks like a sunset. 🌞

4. What is your LEAST favorite color combo?
Probably yellow and red. The colors don’t usually look good together, and it reminds me of the condiments. 💛❤💛 (ahhhh my eyes)

5. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
Just enjoy the sun ☀

6. Do you like to wear socks?
Yes! 🧦

7. If you had to go back and relive one event of the day you’re currently experiencing, which would it be, and why?
When I was asleep, because my bed is really comfortable. 🛏

8. Have you ever gone on a trip outside of your country?
Yes, but only a few times. The place I went to was just a few hours from the border, so I really didn’t go far 😄

9. What book have you read the most?
Ahhhhh that’s a hard one. 😅 If I like a book I tend to reread it to the point of almost memorizing it, or at least most of the basic facts/plot points. I’ve done that for so many books, but none as much as the Warriors series.🐈 When I was younger, I really loved Warriors, so I read and reread the books every night. I had a lot of fun finding out how all the characters were related, so years later I still know the whole family tree (⊙ˍ⊙)

My Questions:

1. What’s something you memorized (for school or otherwise) a long time ago and still remember?

2. On a scale of one to ten, how much do you like potato chips?

3. Have you ever scraped your knee?

4. What’s something you LOVED when you were younger but don’t care about now?

5. What is your opinion on vegetables?

6. If you could make it so that you could eat any one type of junk food without any negative effects on your health, which junk food would you pick?

7. What’s a book that you didn’t think you’d like, but after reading it turned out to be really good?

8. Coffee or tea?

9. Have you ever eaten marshmallows?


Amelia @BlueFlamingo

Shiny787 @MeWrites

Maya @PottahWand

Gelina @DayInAndOutWithGelina

… and anyone else that wants to!

(technically you’re supposed to tag more people, but I can’t think of anyone else, sorry Selina)

I have a few other award/tags that I’ve been meaning to do, as well as some post ideas, so maybe I’ll be back in under a month? We shall see. At the very least, my first blogiversary is next month, so I’ll probably do a post on that.

See you next time, and have a great day/night!

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